About Solarpedia

Solarpedia is a lively community of professionals, business owners and organisations who are passionate about sustainability, renewable energy and energy storage. Sharing expertise and providing peer support, Solarpedia also helps to connect businesses with independent, trusted professionals who can deliver cost-effective commercial solar and storage solutions.


Our story

Stewarded by engineering expert, Eric Prasetyo, Solarpedia is a network of specialist engineers, designers, project managers, analysts and sustainability professionals.

Through his experience with Free Engineer (The solar advisory and engineering group), Eric recognised a lack of understanding about commercial solar and energy storage in Australia. This knowledge gap and lack of confidence in solar companies have created barriers to entry for many business owners when it comes to solar, which is where Solarpedia comes in…

Driven by practical sustainability, Solarpedia aims to educate businesses about the economic benefits commercial solar can have. We place a high value on educating business leaders on how it works, how to get started, and how much your business can benefit from utilising commercial solar & battery.

Our vision

From the very beginning, Free Engineer and Solarpedia have been purpose driven organisations and community. Not only are we dedicated to creating more environmentally friendly energy solutions, we also aim to provide – through the resources we generate – more than 50,000 disadvantaged people with life-saving food assistance.






people first





Our team